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自动式蒸汽调节阀 Self Aeting Temperature Regulating Valve

概述 Introduction


This steam temperature controller is composed of two components of temperature sensor and steam(hot water,hot oil)control valve. According to the change of temperature of the medium(water or oil)being heated, it makes the heated medium(steam, hot water, hot oil) flow rate automatically adjusting. It is widely used in steam adjusting of heating installations both marine and onshore.

基本参数 Basic Parameters

双温包补偿式感温器 Double-probe compensation

型号 Model 公称感温包容积比 Nominal Volume ratio of probe V(一)/V(二) V(first)/V(second) 感温包(一) Probe(second) 感温包(二) Probe(second) 反应时间S Response time 感温包长度mm Length of probe 柱塞上限提升度mm Max lifting height of plunger
行程变化率 mm/℃ Stroke change rate 适用温度范围℃ Temperature adjusting range 行程变化率 mm/℃ Stroke change rate 适用温度范围℃ Temperature adjusting range
S4-0.5A 0.35/1 0.5 0~120 0.175 20~30 ≤25 420 12
S4-0.5B 0.5/1 0.25
S4-0.5C 0.7/1 0.35
S4-0.5D 1/1 0.5
S4-0.5E 1.4/1 0.7



The standard capillary tube length is three (3) meters, other lengts up to twenty (20) meters are available upon request specified in your order.


The response time means the time responsed in liquid medium.

单温包感温器 Single-probe temperature sensor

型号 Model 行程变化率mm/℃ Stroke changerate 适用温度范围℃ Temperature adjusting range 反应时间S Response time 感温包长度mm Length of probe 柱塞上限提升度mm Max lifting height of plunger
D4-0.3 0.25 0~160 ≤25 420 12
BD4-0.3 150
D4-0.5 0.5 0~120.40~160 420
BD4-0.5 300
D4-1.0 1 0~60.30~90 60~120 420
BD4-1.0 400



The standard capillary tube length is three (3) meters, other lengts up to twenty (20) meters are available upon request specified in your order.


The response time means the time responsed in liquid medium.

蒸汽调节阀 Steam control valve

型号 Model 公称通径mm Nominal bore 适用介质 Using medium 热源介质 材料
蒸汽 Steam 热水 Hot water

额定蒸汽流量kg/h Rated steam flow rate

上限允许压差MPa(kgf/cm2) Max allowable prssure differense

额定流量kg/h Rated flow rate

上限允许压差MPa(kgf/cm2) Max allowable prssure differense
1F1.6-15 15 蒸汽热水 Steam hot water 110 1.764 0.85 1.59 铸铁 Castiron 铸钢 Cast steel 不锈钢 Stainless Steel
1F1.6-20 20 200 0.735 1.54 0.686
1F1.6-25 25 320 0.440 2.26 0.441
1F1.6-32 32 520 3.725 4.00 3.629
2F1.6-40 40 800 2.157 6.00 1.569
2F1.6-50 50 1400 1.863 9.5 1.529
2F1.6-65 65 2000 0.980 15.2 0.980
2F1.6-80 80 3200 0.784 24 0.746
2F1.6-100 100 5000 0.588 37.00 0.530
2F1.6-125 125 7812 0.3 58 0.3
2F1.6-150 150 11250 0.19 83 0.19

三通热水调节阀 3 way hot water control valve

型号 Model 公称通径 Nominal bore 适用介质 Using medium 额定热水流量t/h Rated hot water flow rate 材料 Material
3F1.6-2.5 25 热水 (hot water) 2.26 铸铁铸钢不锈钢 castiron cast steel stainless steel
3F1.6-32 32 4.00
3F1.6-40 40 6.00
3F1.6-50 50 9.5
3F1.6-65 65 15.5
3F1.6-80 80 24
3F1.6-100 100 37

型号表示方法 The model indicating method is listed below

蒸汽调节阀 Steam control valve:

三通热水调节阀 Three (3) way hot water control valve

3 F 1.6 - 100

100 公称通径mm Nominal bore(in mm)

1.6 公称压力MPa Nominal pressure (in Mpa)

F 连接方式:F-法兰 Connection method:F-flange connection

3 三通 Three (3) way

外形和安装尺寸 Outline and installation dimensions

双温包补偿式感温调节器外形和安装尺寸 The outline and installation dimensions of double-probe compensation temperature controller 螺旋形单温包感温调节器外形和安装尺寸 The outline and installation dimensions of spiral single-probe temperature controller

棒形单温包感温调节器外形和安装尺寸 The outline and installation dimensions of rod single-probe temperature controller

型号 Model L E G G
BD4-0.3 150 22 ZG1" M36×2
BD4-0.5 300 22 ZG1" M36×2
BD4-1.0 400 23 ZG1" M36×2
BD8-1.0 710 25 G1 1/4" M36×2

1F-1.6型蒸汽调节阀外形和安装尺寸 The outline and installation dimensions of 1F-1.6 steam control valve

2F-1.6型蒸汽调节阀外形和安装尺寸 The outline and installation dimensions of 2F-1.6 steam control valve

3F1.6-25~50热水调节阀外形和安装尺寸 The outline and installation dimensions of 3F1.6-25~50 hot water control valve

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