首页>> 产品中心 >> 液位控制器


概述 Introduction


The material of valve body of this product is brass and strainless steel ,mainly used for leveling indicating of oil or water tank for ship, light,dyeing & printing and environment protecting industry.

基本参数 Basic Parameters

工作压力 working pressure:0.8MPa

工作温度 working temperature:0~100℃

适用介质 usable medius:油、水 oil、water

中心距系列与重量 Center distance and weight
中心距 H Center distance H (mm) 重量 Weight (kg) 中心距 H Center distance H (mm) 重量 Weight (kg)
300 1.51 900 2.17
350 1.57 950 2.23
400 1.62 1000 2.28
450 1.68 1100 2.39
500 1.73 1200 2.50
550 1.79 1300 2.61
600 1.84 1400 2.72
650 1.90 1500 2.83
700 1.95 1600 2.94
750 2.01 1700 3.05
800 2.06 1800 3.16
850 2.12 1900 3.27

☆ 安装形式 Type of installation:

H型管接 H:pipe connect

F型:法兰连接 F:flange connect

1、截止阀 Stop valve

2、自闭阀 Self-closing valve

3、联接套 Connect casing

4、垫床 Sealing

5、O型密封圈 O ring

6、矩型垫圈 Regtangular washer

7、玻璃管 Glass tube

8、护套 Protecting casing

9、浮标 Float


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